

June 5, 2017

EventBrite: Your must-go-to product and AI events this July 2017

I bet you’ve heard of some amazing Product and AI events on Eventbrite in San Francisco. I also bet you’ve had your fair share of “Oh no! I can’t believe I missed such amazing event! No one told me.”
Well, we’ve also had our fair share of those moments which is why we decided to plan ahead. We’ve put together a list of interesting tech events happening both live and online this July.
We hope you like it and drop by if you’re available.

*Disclaimer: the descriptions are loyal to the original descriptions set by the event pages*

If you just started reading this article this is happening today! So make sure to sign up ASAP and attend the event online in time. You wouldn’t want to miss it.


Product Roadmapping with Flipkart's Head of Product

July 5th, 
In order to build the best possible solution, a product manager needs to understand why they are building. Once the problem and stakeholders have been identified, how does a PM tackle solving it? Sudha will cover this problem-solving framework and share insights and anecdotes from her user-first approach to product development.

Eventbrite details here.

Valuation 101: How to Value Your Early Stage Startup

July 6th,
Learn how crucial current market conditions and valuation methodologies are to your company’s future from a top valuation firm BPM. Director of Valuation Services, Bob Chung, will share how to think more objectively and creatively about the metrics to craft your company’s narrative, making it easier to define then back up the value of your startup to investors and potential hires.

Eventbrite details here.

Fast Track Your Startup Fundraising with J.D. Davids

July 6th,
Stop wasting valuable time using the shotgun approach to fundraising. Come learn a methodical, step-by-step campaign roadmap that has produced exits 75% of the time. J.D. Davids will show you the exact process that he used to generate billion dollar results while serving on the management teams of 8 startup companies.

Eventbrite details here.

Behind Every Great Product is a Product Manager: CMU Computer Science & Business

July 6th,
Product Managers are now as in-demand in the tech sector as software engineers once were, and they now command among the highest salaries in U.S. technology companies. These specialists who shepherd new products and releases to market are often called the CEOs of products and services. But finding good PMs – those with excellent technical chops, interpersonal skills, and business acumen – can be beyond challenging. And according to Burning Glass Technologies, more than 250,000 positions were open in the last year for hybrid jobs – occupations requiring a combination of programming skills and skills commonly found in design, data analysis, and marketing.

Meetup details here.

Learn to Build Better Products with AI

July 10-12 (3-day event)
The Cascade SF team has been working hard to help designers prepare for the future of design jobs.
By learning about AI, designers can unite with automation to create a unique career path that fits within the marketplace. We don't want to fear the future of technology – we want to work with it to improve the quality of life and make it easier to accomplish our dreams.
This is a 2-track conference.  We're still adding more speakers to the lineup so stay tuned!

Eventbrite details here.

MB 2017 - How AI, messaging, and personalization will rock your world

July 11th,
Artificial intelligence is affecting the entire marketing ecosystem. Every brand, marketer, product manager and innovator must be ready to harness the disruptive impact AI is having as it pushes forward intelligent assistants, bots, smart voice and predictive analytics and more. We’ll be exploring it all over two intensive days at MB 2017.

Eventbrite details here.

Going Global - Lessons Learned in Scaling Startups

July 18th,
For many looking from the outside in, global expansion and entering new markets seems to be a “no brainer.” One can only wish it was that easy. The world is a large place with key differences from country to country which can support different business models for all types of entrepreneurs. Ryan Patel will provide different strategies in scaling and illustrate key principles to provide stories and examples of other brands. Patel offers a unique and rare glimpse to audiences in balancing the need to grow while protecting the brand. From lessons learned to shared values, global expansion appears to have a blank canvas with an unlimited amount of opportunities to add a splash of color.

Eventbrite details here.

Excellence Under Uncertainty

July 19th,
Products That Count is a community of product managers and innovators. If you want to be the first to hear about new programs, sign up for our newsletter at

Eventbrite details here.

Women Leaders in Tech: Panel Discussion and Mixer @ Lyft, SF

July 24th,
Join us for an evening of networking, and a panel discussion with women leaders who have broken the glass ceiling in the tech industry.
They will discuss their journey to success in the tech industry, the gender gap in senior leadership roles current industry trends and advice for women technologists to continue to forge ahead in their fields.
This event is open to women and men of all professional backgrounds.

Eventbrite details here.

Creating a Unified Design System

July 26th
When you start a design system from scratch what matters, and how do you create a stable foundation? As the product and team grow, how do you tackle challenges of a more mature design system?
Join us for a transformative discussion on how companies like GitHub and Airbnb approach developing and optimizing a design system to create internal efficiencies, inform product decisions, and build faster.

Eventbrite details here.

How Human Nature Impacts Product Creation

Building great products is counter-intuitive and many aspects of it go against human nature. We're wired to solve problems and to build, which often means we build the wrong things or for low-value problems, that people don't care enough about. The session will identify common pitfalls around creating products and some ways to overcome them.

Eventbrite details here.

So mark your calendars and make sure not to miss any event!