

September 20, 2023

How Can Managers Be Less Distracting?

Managers are the bedrock of any successful team, guiding their members toward achieving collective goals. Yet, amidst the quest for productivity, managers can unknowingly become distractions rather than focus triggers for their employees. 


The constant checkups, relentless Slack messages, overflowing emails, and incessant calls can chip away at the team's concentration, hindering productivity and creativity. It's time for a transformative shift – managers should work to help their team find focus, unleashing the full potential of their collective talents.


Recognizing the Unintentional Distractions


Amidst the hustle of managing a team, it's easy for managers to lose sight of how their actions impact their employees. Frequent check-ins, while well-intended, may disrupt deep work sessions, disrupting the flow of creative thinking and problem-solving. Similarly, a barrage of Slack messages and emails can create a constant sense of urgency, preventing team members from engaging in meaningful, uninterrupted work.


Fostering a Culture of Focus


Instead of being unwitting distractions, managers can foster a culture of focus by adopting a few simple yet impactful practices:


1. Empower Autonomy: Trust is the cornerstone of a productive team. Allow your team members the autonomy to manage their tasks and timelines, giving them the freedom to focus and execute without constant micromanagement.


2. Define Clear Expectations: Set clear and realistic expectations for deliverables and deadlines. When the team knows precisely what is expected of them, they can focus on meeting those goals without second-guessing.


3. Schedule Purposeful Check-Ins: Rather than constant checkups, schedule regular but purposeful check-ins. These sessions can be used for progress updates, addressing roadblocks, and offering support – all while minimizing disruptions.


4. Embrace Asynchronous Communication: Encourage the use of asynchronous communication tools, like project management platforms, that allow team members to respond at their convenience, avoiding the pressure of immediate replies.


5. Limit Meeting Overload: Streamline meetings to be concise and only include relevant team members. Consider the necessity of every meeting and opt for alternative forms of communication when possible.


Nurturing a Focus-Conducive Environment


Beyond individual practices, managers can also create an environment that supports focus and productivity:


1. Encourage Dedicated Focus Time: Set aside specific periods in the day when the team is encouraged to avoid distractions and immerse themselves in deep, undisturbed work.


2. Recognize and Reward Focus: Acknowledge and appreciate team members who demonstrate exceptional focus and productivity. Recognizing their efforts will inspire others to follow suit.


3. Promote Wellness Initiatives: Foster a culture that values employee wellness, as it directly impacts focus and productivity. Encourage breaks, exercise, and other wellbeing practices to recharge minds.


4. Provide Resources for Skill Development: Offer resources to help team members enhance their time management and focus skills, demonstrating your commitment to their growth.


As managers, we hold the power to shape our team's experience at work. Instead of being distractions, let us be catalysts for focus and productivity.